Javanese Rice Fish Tetra (Oryzias javanicus)

Javanese Rice Fish Tetra

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Etymology of Javanese Rice Fish Tetra (Oryzias javanicus)

Oryzias: from the Greek ὄρυζα (oryza), meaning ‘rice’, in reference to the tendency of some members of the genus to inhabit rice paddy fields.

javanicus: ‘of Java’, in reference to the type locality of this species.

Distribution of Javanese Rice Fish Tetra (Oryzias javanicus)

This species is widely-distributed throughout Peninsular Thailand, Malaysia (Malay Peninsula plus the states of Sabah and Sarawak, Borneo), Singapore and Indonesia, with records from the Riau Archipelago, Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Bali, Lombok, and Sulawesi existing in the latter.

Type locality is ‘Panimbang River, Perdana, Indonesia’.

Distribution of Javanese Rice Fish Tetra (Oryzias javanicus)

Typically found in coastal, normally brackish, streams and pools including mangrove swamps and forests, but has also been recorded in freshwater habitats and is known to be tolerant of a wide salinity range.


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Video of Javanese Rice Fish Tetra (Oryzias javanicus)

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