Head Tail Light Tetra (Hemigrammus ocellifer)

Head Tail Light Tetra

Send your inquiry of Head Tail Light Tetra (Hemigrammus ocellifer) to our email :


The Head and Tail Light Tetra originates from the tributaries and rivers of South America and make a wonderful addition to any community aquarium. Their body is mostly transparent in color with the head and abdomen having a silver to gold coloration. These fish have a pinkish spot both on the base of the tail, and just behind the eyes, which gives them their name.

The Head and Tail Light Tetra can be housed in an aquarium with other soft water fish. Tetras are a schooling fish that work well in groups of six or more fish of the same species. Live plants, rocks and driftwood help to enhance its natural habitat and provide hiding spaces.

Head and Tail Light Tetras breed occasionally in an aquarium setting and a hospital or “breeding tank” will be necessary. During breeding time, the females will display a fuller looking belly, which help distinguish them from the males. Slightly acidic water is best for optimal breeding habits. After the eggs begin to hatch, 12 to 15 hours after being laid, removing the parents will reduce the number of lost fry.

The Head and Tail Light Tetra will accept many small foods such as brine shrimp or daphnia, freeze dried bloodworms and tubifex, micro pellet food, and a high quality flake food.

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Video of Head Tail Light Tetra (Hemigrammus ocellifer)

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